Monday, September 2, 2013

Ram Lambs For Sale 2013

Where does the time go? I remember sending out our sales list earlier this year and promising to follow up shortly with the ram list. Well, it’s shortly now.

We did something different this year with our rams. I don’t think Shetlands really begin to show themselves until late August/early September, so we waited this year to see exactly what we had before we sent out a list. The advantage to doing that is that we know exactly what we are offering people. There shouldn’t be any surprises. On the flip side, it’s a bit late in the year to offer sheep for sale.

That’s okay, because we never plan on selling many rams, and I’d rather be certain of the quality before they leave here.

Rather than bore everyone with talk of bloodlines and stuff, I’ll just say that all of the bloodlines are top notch and I’ll be happy to break that down to anyone who asks. As you can see, however, all are superior quality Shetland rams and if I had to go out on a limb, I would say that all will be super fine as yearlings.

The other thing I can say is that the fleeces are exquisite on all of them! That’s right, even the black one. It’s hard to find super fine black rams, but I think he will be one. He has gotten better throughout the summer. You sink your hands into these fleeces and you don’t want to take them out. These are easily the best rams we have ever produced as a group, and I do think several will be the absolute best we have had here. I think each one will add something special to the gene pool in the US or we wouldn’t be offering them for sale.

Call or email us if you have any questions or interest. Most, but not all, will be for sale.



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